Kimberly 714-337-9748 | Ashley 719-551-8260
We can help
We are so excited to help you with the purchase of your next home here in Colorado.
Whether you are: a Colorado native, a transplant, PCS'ing, retiring here, first time homebuyer, investor... we are here to help!
We walk you through the entire process from start to finish. We have a fantastic local lender we can get you in tough with (if you are not working with a lender), they will begin your process by getting you pre approved for a home loan. They will discuss some important details with you, such as: downpayment, first time home buyer programs, FICOs, mortgage payments, employment details and more!
We assist with locating properties in your desired location and budget, tour properties, write offers and negotiate terms with the listing agent/seller, facilitate inspections/repairs, attend every single closing.
Contact us today if you are looking to buy a home!